Thursday, March 21, 2013

Week 11 Should Mom's Work?

Since World War II in the 1940's the number of working woman has increased. Many woman liked the independence they gained from working, so didn't want to give it up when the men came home. Some woman had to keep working because their husband never came home. There are other reasons, of course, than these.
Before I go into more detail, take a moment to think about your own opinions and views on this matter. Do you believe woman should work? Do you believe that it is better for them to be stay at home moms? My objective of this article is to share information on this subject so that you can gain a more educated opinion on it.
On a typical day where both parents work the kids go to school and the parents go to work. The kids get home from school around 3-4 and the parents don't get home until around 6. An interesting fact is that most non-violent crimes occur between 4-6 PM. Coincidence? I think not. Dinner in these homes might be a stressful time. They may not even eat together. Also, mother is still likely to do most of the house work. Both parents will be tired. Also, we should note that most woman don't go to their job because they love it.
Let's contrast this with a mother who stays at home. She has more time to get the house work done and will have more energy to do it since she wasn't at work all day. When the children come home for work, she'll be there. This time can be important for teaching them. They will have more energy and time to give to their children and husband. They will have a better chance of being able to eat dinner together. Also, the mother can have more time to do things with her children. She will even have more time do the housework with them and teach them how to cook. When our hands our busy it can be a great time for communication. Especially for guys. So, if the mother is able to do these activities with her children she will be able to bond with them.
I know these examples don't cover every situation. They are just general. However, I can tell which one sounds more appealing to me.
The last thing I would quickly like to address is the benefits of teaching your kids to work and working with them. I already mentioned that it is a time for family members to bond. It can also help children gain skills and become more independent  it can teach them to be better workers, it can have physical health benefits, and it helps create the ideal family structure. Most of the time since Adam and Eve families worked together. This helped them bond and grow together. Since the Industrial Revolution things have changed drastically. I would like to ask the question: is all of this change good? Shouldn't we consider what we have given up? Also, shouldn't we consider what we'll be giving up when we get a modern contraption that will 'make our lives easier'? These are some good questions to think about.

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